Behaviour Policy

Date: 30/04/2020

All students at St. Clare’s, Oxford are expected to behave in a way that shows respect and consideration for themselves, for fellow students, and for the College community as a whole.

We strive to look after the needs and protect the rights of each student and build a sense of community within each residential house and within College as a whole.

Our behaviour policy aims to:

  • protect your rights – especially the rights to privacy and to study
  • satisfy your needs – for security, friendship and for appropriate care
  • ensure your overall personal welfare
  • grant you freedoms appropriate to your age.

Our behaviour policy applies to residential and non-residential students.

The Vice Principal, Pastoral has overall responsibility (reporting to the Principal) for student discipline and welfare. She is supported by the Assistant Principal, Pastoral, the  Head of Boarding, Personal Tutors and boarding staff.

St. Clare’s ‘Behaviour Policy’ is supported by the following:

These documents are supplied to parents and students when students join. They are further explained to students on arrival by boarding staff and Personal Tutors. Students sign to indicate understanding and agreement.

  1. College Regulations – outlines College behavioural expectations as well as including guidance on house procedures
  2. Acceptable and reponsible use of IT resources

Our behaviour policy is related to and supported by the following policies and procedures, which are displayed to students in College and are available to parents on the parents’ portal and on request:

  1. Anti-Bullying Policy
  2. Health Policy
  3. Academic Monitoring System – Attendance
  4. Rewards and Sanctions Policy
  5. Policy on Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools

In addition, information about health and welfare support is posted on the student portal here​.

The following policy is available to parents on the parents’ portal, and is also available from College on request:

  1. Expulsion, Removal and Review Policy



The behaviour policy and the related documents are reviewed as follows:

  1. on a continuing basis as incidents arise by the Vice Principal, Pastoral and the Assistant Principal, Pastoral
  2. on a continuing basis in consultation with boarding staff and Personal Tutors

Most recent review / amendment

VPP July 2020

Reviewed by Governors February 2020

Date of next review February 2021 Governors Education Committee