Rewards and Sanctions Policy

Date: 16/10/2020

St. Clare’s aims to ensure its policies and College Regulations are applied fairly and not be affected by factors such as a student’s race or gender. Rewards and sanctions must be used consistently and should not vary from teacher to teacher or house parent to house parent notwithstanding the need to take individual circumstances of incidents and individuals into account.

St. Clare’s expects the highest standards of work and behaviour. It is a clear expectation that students behave maturely and take increasing responsibility for their work and conduct in preparation for university life. In our ‘statement of values and beliefs’ we indicate that a) students must take personal responsibility for work and conduct and b) develop their intellects, their imagination and independence of mind. It follows that our policies including ‘rewards and sanctions’ must encourage students towards those aims.

The St. Clare’s environment is supportive and positive while being academically challenging. Staff-student interactions are characterised by mutual respect. Students’ self-confidence and self-esteem are promoted by regular praise and affirmation.  

It is essential that the rewards are available to students of all abilities and are not confined to those who are gifted and talented. Effort and improvement are to be recognised and rewarded as well as outstanding achievement in academic work, sports or music.

Examples of rewards:

  • Verbal praise
  • Written praise e.g. on homework and in reports, both termly and bi-weekly
  • High grades on academic assessments, tests and exams
  • End of term awards e.g. Principal’s Awards, Vice Principal’s Academic Awards, Vice Principal’s Effort Awards, IB Learner Profile and CAS Awards
  • Graduation Prizes

All staff are encouraged to use the following informal (level 1) sanctions, before applying one of the formal school sanctions: 

House Sanctions

  • Verbal reprimand
  • Performing community service (particularly in the spirit of reparation)
  • Gating 
  • House report

Academic Sanctions

  • Verbal reprimand
  • Repeat inadequate work
  • Library report
  • Academic lesson report

These informal sanctions aim to provide more consistent monitoring of a student who is not performing at their best either academically or in their residential house. They are issued by teachers (liaising with the Personal Tutor) or boarding staff.

Exclusion from Class
A student will only be excluded from class if their behaviour is seriously affecting the progress of other students or the teacher’s ability to deliver the lesson. On these occasions, the pupil concerned should be sent immediately to either the Assistant Principal, Pastoral or the Vice Principal, Pastoral.

Serious disciplinary sanctions
St. Clare’s operates a step-wise response to poor behaviour in order to indicate to the student concerned the seriousness of the situation and to allow opportunity for the student to alter their behaviour.

Level 2 sanctions are applied by the Assistant Principal, Pastoral and include the following:

  • Interview with Assistant Principal, Pastoral
  • Library Report
  • Academic Lesson Report
  • Supervised study
  • Internal suspension
  • Contract of good behaviour
  • Letter to parents

Level 3 sanctions are applied by the Vice Principal, Pastoral and include the following:

  • Supervised study 
  • Suspension
  • Removal from college accommodation
  • Letter to parents

Level 4 sanctions are applied by the Principal and include the following:

  • Final formal warning
  • Requirement to withdraw
  • Expulsion

Guidance for staff in the application of this policy is provided by the following policies and documents:

  1. College Regulations
  2. Behaviour Policy
  3. Academic Monitoring System – Attendance
  4. Academic Monitoring System
  5. Punctuality Policy – Staff Version
  6. College Disciplinary Procedures for IB Courses
  7. Expulsion, Removal and Review Policy

Most recent review / amendment
VPP July 2020​