University Foundation Course: Frequently Asked Questions
Date: 29/10/2017
What are the benefits of our University Foundation?
Students benefit from:
- access to universities around the world
- developing academic and organisational skills required to succeed at university
- UFC graduates find the jump from school to university much smoother
- expert advice from our dedicated Careers and Higher Education Adviser
- completely impartial advice on which universities to apply to
How is the course structured?
The course is split into two distinct streams: Business and International Affairs. Students will take a variety of academic subjects based on their chosen specialty.
Business Subjects:
- Economics
- Business
- Maths for Business
- Basic Statistics
- Global Issues
International Affairs Subjects:
- Politics
- History
- Philosophy
- Basic Statistics
- Global Issues
All students will also study English for Academic Purposes to develop the following skills:
- Academic reading and writing
- Note-taking and summarising
- Making presentations
- Idioms
- Usage and collocation
Finally, students go through our robust careers programme to ensure that:
- each student takes the time to consider their future and explore the opportunities ahead of them
- they choose the most suitable course and university
- personal statements are the best they can be
Our Careers and Higher Education Adviser is always on hand to guide students with all aspects of their future goals.
What do I gain after the course?
- 100% of students who successfully complete the course get a place at university.
- Our graduates go on to study a huge variety of subjects all over the UK and the world, including the Netherlands and Germany.
- You can find out more about our graduate university destinations here.
What are the entry requirements?
- Complete this online registration form and pay the £100 registration fee
- Send your high school leaving certificate and/or most recent transcript of grades
- Show proof of English level, either by:
- sending an official English language test certificate or
- by completing the St Clare’s grading test and having an interview via SKYPE

Click for more information on the University Foundation Programme