Brochures and price lists

St Clare’s brochures and flyers are a helpful guide to students and parents who would like to discover more about our offering. You can access all of our brochures and flyers below:

IB World School Brochure

Digital print materials
BROCHURE: International Baccalaureate Diploma and Pre-IB
STUDY OPTIONS & SUBJECT DETAILS BOOKLET: International Baccalaureate Diploma
DATES & FEES: IB World School 2023-24
RESULTS: 3 years of Academic Excellence for the IB Diploma

International College brochure

Digital print materials
BROCHURE: International College
ONE SHEET: Undergraduate Programme
ONE SHEET: Undergraduate Programme (Education Studies)
DATES & FEES: International College 2023-24
DATES & FEES: International College 2024-25

Summer short courses brochure

Teacher Training brochure

Digital print materials
BROCHURE: Teacher Training
DATES & FEES: Teacher Training 2022-23

If you would like to be sent a hard copy of our brochures, please get in touch